Cili Ungu atau Purple Chilli dikenali dengan nama "Explosive Ember " dan juga dikenali dengan nama "Burning Embers" .Pokok cili ini padat dan lebat .
Selepas berputik dan berbunga,pada awal nya cili ini akan bewarna ungu gelap,kemudian bertukar ke warna jingga dan akhirnya apabila sampai usia matang cili ini akan berubah ke warna merah terang.
Haa menarik kan cili ni..cik iena tak tau dan tak pernah tgk pun cili nicik iena tau pun sebab salah seorang rakan FB tag pic cili ni dkt cik cik iena pun view lah album beliau..cik iena sgt ber minat dgn cili ni..ade lah tny sikit2 info pasal cili nitp info yg kt atas nie hasil research cik iena to Dr Google sb bg information d atas..
gambar2 yang dipaparkan kesemuanya adalah daripadarakan FB cik iena..nama FB beliau : C-deq Dlegend
mengikut cerita C-deq..tanaman2 cili ini diusahakan oleh ayah beliau..tapi bukan utk berniaga ye..untuk kegunaan sendiri dan untuk mengisi masa yg terluang..wahh bagus nye suka bercucuk tanam.."Berbudi pada tanah pasti ada hasilnya"
haa tgk hasilnya..wahhh teruja nya tgk..cik iena ade tny c-deq..dia ade jual kecik iena nk beli..c-deq kata dia tak jual..ayah dia tak bagi jual..ayah dia suruh bagi pada kwn2 yg nak cili ni..Alkisah nya semasa c-dek balik kampung tempohari..ayah c-deq ade bercerita tentang rasa tidak puas hati ayah nyadengan orang2 felda ditempat nya..dimana mereka suka mengambil hasil tanaman ayah c-deq tanpa meminta kebenaranso..daripada dapat dkt org yg tak reti nk mintak kebenaran makan hasil orglebih baik diberikan kepada org lain kan..bersedekah kat orang amalan mulia...jadi ayah c-deq pun suruh c-deq petik dan beri pada kawan2..
haaa ini lah hasil nya..cik iena ade mintak biji benih kt c-deqc-deq dad pos hari selasa yg lepas maybe hari khamis dapat..yeayyyyy hari nie la khamis..
thanks a lot ya c-deq
cik iena mintak no akaun nk byr tp c-deq taknak sb ayah dia pesan jangan jual..
bagi pada member yang nak..
wahhh syukur alhamdulillah
semoga bertambah murah rezeki c-deq dan keluarga..
biji benih ni cik iena nak suruh mak semai dan tanamkan..hihi mak kpd cik iena sangat suka bercucuk tanam..hujung minggu mmg akan pergi ke dusun untuk bercucuk tanamkalau cik iena balik kampung dan tak penat..ade mase mmg cik iena akan pergi dusun..beriadah sambil bercucuk tanam mmg aktiviti yg menyihatkan badan
Mengikut kata c-deq lagi..ayah c-deq ade bagi tahu yangcara penanaman cili ni lain daripada cili biasa...haaaa nk tau tak mcm mane...keep scroll okeyhh!!!
Cara2 menanam explosive ember
1.campur kan tanah biase dgn tahi ayam @ tahi kambing yg tlah d proses.gaul kn & siram kn dgn air.biar kn tanah 2 selama 2 @ 3 hari.
2.rendam kn benih cili dgn air hujan @ air sungai @ air mineral water selama 2-3 hari.ayah ckp jgn gune air paip sbb benih akn mati dgn klorin dlm air paip.
3.tanam @ benam kn biji benih dgn menggunakan jari @ kayu di dalam tanah yg tlah d campur kn dgn tahi sedalam 1cm dan tutup lubang nye dgn tanah supaya benih xkn terkeluar bile d siram.jumlah biji benih dlm 1 lubang adalah antare 2-3 biji.(klu tanam d tanah,jarak antare lubang2 benih adalah 2-3 jengkal)
4.siram biji benih setiap hari.jangka masa utk benih bertunas adalah lebih kurang SEBULAN (lama kn... =.='').stlah anak benih bertunas,JANGAN trus d letak baja.
5.setelah pokok stinggi 3-4 inci,pisah kn anak2 pokok dr lubang2 tersebut.anak pokok yg sihat di biar kn & anak pokok yg kurus @ tidak sihat di buang @ di pisah kn ke tempat lain krn di khuatiri akan menganggu kesihatan anak pokok yg subur.(ayah yg ckp mcm ni....)
6.tabur kan baja di keliling anak pokok.JANGAN tabur kn baja terlalu dekat dgn batang anak pokok.jumlah baja yg d tabur kn adalah 2-3 biji sahaje.
7.klu anak benih d tanam d tanah,letak kan tiang kayu sebagai penyokong bg batang pokok sbb batang pokok cili ni lembut.jika perlu,ikat batang pokok pada batang penyokong & jgn ikat terlalu ketat.
8.ayah ckp,baja yg di gunakan adalah baja 15,15,15 @ 16,16,16.
slalu nye sepeket d jual pd harge RM2.
9.letak kn baja semula setelah 2 minggu dari taburan baja yg pertame.
10.stlah pokok membesar,tambah kn nilai taburan baja mengikut tumbesaran pokok.
11.ayah ckp,serangga sgt suke makan pokok sembur kn racun serangga pd pokok seminggu sekali sehingge daun pokok menjadi tua.ayah ckp jgn gune spray nyamuk mcm baygon,shieldtox n sbgai nye
haaa begitu lah cara2 nya okeyh..
okiessekian cerita cik iena untuk explosive emberBerikut merupakan info mengenai jenis2 cili yang wujud d muka bumi ini
CPI Bhut Jolokia
The world’s hottest chilli is the Bhut Jolokia originating in Assam in North East India. This records holder variety is bred by The Chile Pepper Institute with an official Scoville heat rating (SHU) of1,001,304 SHU twice that of the previous record holder, the Red Savina.
A SHU stands for Scoville Heat Unit and is the amount of water needed before the chilli heat is undetectable. One drop of the Bhut Jolokia extract needs a million drops of water. (Capsicum chinense) Seed Origin The Chile Pepper InstituteBhut Jolokia : Read The Chile Pepper Institute Report
The Moruga Scorpion RedMorouga Scorpion tested at 2,009,231 SHU'sHeat Level (nuclear) The Trinidad Scorpion Moruga chilli originates from the island's of Trinidad and Tobago. It was announced on February 6, 2012 at the Chile Pepper Institute Leaders dinner to have tested at a high of 2,009,231 Scoville Units. A new world record! The average heat of all testing combined for the Moruga Scorpion gave an average of 1,207,764 Scoville Units. So you could get pods with a heat level over 2,000,000 or as low as 580,198. The SCORPION MORUGA was named after the district of Moruga which lies on the south coast of Trinidad on the coast of Columbus Channel. The surface of it's outer skin is rough and pebbly like the Trinidad 7 Pot varieties. Average size of the pods is roughly the size of a golf ball.(Capsicum chinense)The Morouga Scorpion Yellow
Heat Level (10 ++++) The Trinidad Scorpion Moruga chilli originates from the island's of Trinidad and Tobago. It was announced on February 6, 2012 at the Chile Pepper Institute Leaders dinner to have tested at a high of 2,009,231 Scoville Units. A new world record! The average heat of all testing combined for the Moruga Scorpion gave an average of 1,207,764 Scoville Units. Saying this you could get pods with a heat level over 2,000,000. The SCORPION MORUGA Was named after the district of Moruga which lies on the south coast of Trinidad on the coast of Columbus Channel. The surface of it's outer skin is rough and pebbly like the Trinidad 7 Pot varieties. Average size of the pods is roughly the size of a golf ball.(Capsicum chinense) Chocolate Bhut Jolokia SeedsAssam hot chilli growers Frontal Agritech have collected a chocolate version of the World’s hottest chilli Bhut Jolokia, Capsicum chinense Jacq.
This type is thought to be a natural variant of Bhut Jolokia. The initiative has been taken to select the genuine type in successive generations to give a pure variety. The chilli has a pungency level similar to the red/orange Bhut Jolokia. Pungency rating: Extremely hot.
The world’s hottest chilli is the Bhut Jolokia Originating in Assam in North East India with an official Scoville heat rating (SHU) of 1,001,304 SHU twice that of the previous record holder, the Red Savina. Your chance to grow some of the hottest chillies in the world and that's official! Seed Origin Assam India Yucatan HabaneroHeat Level 8The Habanero originate from Cuba, Habanero Means "native from Habana". Today, the largest producer is Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Other modern producers include Belize, Panama (locally named ajà chombo), Costa Rica, Colombia and parts of the United States, including Texas, Idaho, and California. While Mexico is the largest consumer of this spicy ingredient, its flavour and aroma have become increasingly popular all over the world.The Habañero is an integral part of Yucatecan food. Habanero chillies accompany most dishes in Yucatán, either in solid or purée/salsa form.NuMex Twilight
Heat Level 8
RHS Plant of the month
These striking plants with their brilliant coloured hot spicy fruits. Plants are soon covered with vivid purple blossoms followed by big bursts of pointed, one inch long, glossy little purple chillies that slowly mature to orange then brilliant red. These plants are ideal in pots and to give as presents to friends, family or loved ones. (Capsicum annuum)Little Elf
Small, dark green leaves are the backdrop for masses of peppers that begin as yellow tinged with purple, then turn orange and finally red. The tiny fruit is no bigger than 1/2 to 3/4 inch long and appears in clusters, with all colours on the plant at the same time. Plants grow only about 16 inches tall with a similar spread, so they are great for borders as well as container growing. Colourful and petite, this ornamental pepper is also quite charming. These shiny, Habañero-type chilli peppers are deep chocolate-brown when ripe and ribbed or wrinkled, resembling large dates or prunes. Fruits are 1-1/2 to 2 inches long and with an extremely hot Caribbean flavour that is strong and smoky. Those in the know say that Jamaican Hot Chocolate makes a great hot sauce. This strain originated from a chilli pepper found in a market in Port Antonio, Jamaica Wonderful Oriental hot peppers just right for making Kung Pao Chicken or the Asian stir-fried dishes. The tall plants are quite a sight when they become absolutely loaded with 4.5-inch long, slightly curved skinny peppers that mature from green to a brilliant red. They are thin-walled for easy drying, or may be used fresh for adding inviting flavour to a dish. Peppers have about 10,000 Scoville units, so should be eaten with careExplosive Ember
This chilli pepper variety is the very essence of purple and makes a beautiful and colourful accent in the landscape or tucked into containers. Plants grow 10 to 14 inches tall and nearly as wide with deep amethyst fruit, stems, and flowers. Small, 1-in. peppers appear first as dark purple, then turn orange and finally mature to bright red. The effect is really quite spectacular and guaranteed to be a focal point of any garden setting. A beautiful ornamental pepper with purple foliage and flowers, it bears a profusion of fruit in a rainbow of colours on 2 to 3 ft. tall plants. The small cone-shaped, 1 in. fruit starts out purple, but turns to yellow to orange, and finally to red, with all colour stages on the plant at once. Very hot peppers are edible, but are mainly grown for their striking appearance. Very hot; Habanero Type; 1.5 to 2.5 inches long by 1 to 1.5 inches wide; 3 matures from green to orange to red; pendant pods, green leaves,18 to 24 inches tall; Prolific fruit it is from Dominica;(Capsicum Chinense) A compact Sweet Pepper producing large fruit maturing from green to orange/red. Pompeii produces 3 lobed blocky fruits the pale green young fruits are very attractive from an early stage of development to give a long fruit interest on the plant. Mature fruits have a sweet flavour and crisp, crunchy texture with thin walls and very little pith. Grows to a height of 45 cm and spread of 30 cmLoco
Heat Level 4Compact branching plants that carry a heavy yield of oval fruits which ripen from purple to bright red. The upright fruits appear above the foliage and the spread maturity presents a colourful display. Grows to a height of 45 cm and spreads about 60 cm![]()
Zimbabwe Bird
very hot; Pequin/Piquin Type; 0.75 to 1 inches long by0.375 to 0.5 inches wide; thin flesh; matures from green to orange to red; upright pods; green leaves; 30 to 36 inches tall; Very Late Season;Uses: Drying, also use fresh; from Africa; C.frutescens.![]()
Trinidad Seasoning
A mild chilli great for eating fresh. 2.5 to 3 inches long by 0.75 to 1 inches wide; medium thick flesh; matures from green to red; pendant pods; green leaves; 24 to 30 inches tall. Great for adding to dishes as a seasoning pepper; from Trinidad; fruity flavour with minimum to no heat; (Capsicum Chinense)
Summer Of Fire
Heat Level 5A prolific fruiting variety which is dripping with small hot fruits on a compact leafy semi-trailing plant. The fruits mature from deep purple through cream and orange to mature to a bright red. Summer of Fire’s unique plant habit makes it a perfect choice for hanging baskets and containers. The plants have a good tolerance to cooler weather lasting well into the autumn. Harvested fruits are easy to dry as well as being ideal for fresh use. Grows to a height of 30 cm and spread of 60 cm.
NuMex Centennial
Developed for New Mexico State University's 100 year anniversary, colourful ornamental. A great chilli to have around the garden for a splash of colour and ideal in the kitchen, not too hot, just right!Mexican Pequins
Heat Level 8.5Pequins are a great all rounder for use in the kitchen they can be used dried or fresh. They are small, oval shaped chillies with tapered ends. The colour of a dried Pequin is an orange-red. They often grow wild in the mountains of Mexico. This chilli measures 1/2 inch in length and is only 1/4 of an inch wide. The flavour is hot, with sweet and citrus undertones. Pequin Chillies are very hot, a little goes a long way. Use Pequins to heat up Pasta Diablo, with shrimp or lobster added. If you love hot chilli, salsa and stews, this is the chilli for you. (Capsicum Annuum) Heat Level 9Habanero chocolate 50 mm to 100 mm long by 20 mm to 30 mm wide; medium thick flesh; matures from green to dark brown; pendant pods; green leaves; 600 mm to 750 mm tall. (Capsicum Chinense) Heat Level 5Very unusual shaped pods, great talking point in the garden. 100 to 125 mm long, plant is a very manageable size measuring 450 to 600 mm tall. Matures from green to red and sometimes a golden yellow. (Capsicum annuum) Heat Level 5A very attractive plant with unusual pods. The plants are ideal for cooler weather areas. Similar to Bishops Crown, but much larger fruit. (Capsicum baccatum) The 7 Pod (sometimes called 7 Pot, as in 1 pod will spice seven pots of stew.) is a Chinense variety from Trinidad. This variety is matched for heat by just a small number of other Chinense varieties, namely the Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia, the Dorset Naga/Naga Morich, and the Trinidad Scorpion (see above). The texture of the peppers is very different to your average capsicum. Rather than the smooth, shiny surface of most peppers, the 7 pod has an almost paper-y texture and pods start lime green rather than the usual dark green. (Capsicum chinense)Naga Morich
The Naga Morich 'snake or serpent chilli' is one of the world's most respected hot chilli peppers. The Chilli Pepper Company have been selected to sell the seeds of a very interesting strain of Naga Morich grown in Southern Spain. This Naga Morich has a Scoville Heat rating of 1,086,844 SHU's This little beauty has been tested at 1,194,205 (SHU). The chap growing this has been selecting pods for heat (by taste) for over 3 years and growing on to produce this scorching strain of Red Morouga.
SPECIAL OFFER 20 Naga King Chilli Seeds £5.00The Nagaland government has finally won the patent rights for The Naga Morich. We are the registered supplier of these seeds. Do not be fooled by suppliers saying they are Orange Habanero Seeds"in soon or by the year end.The Naga King Chilli - Naga Morich
This strain of Naga Morich is straight from the hills surrounding Nagaland whereit was tasted by Gordon Ramsay on his Great Escapes programme for Channel 4 television. Gordon Ramsey visited a village of one of the famous Naga Warrior Tribes in his latest show. The Naga Morich 'snake or serpent chilli' is one of the world's most respected hot chilli peppers. The Nagaland government has finally won the patent rights for the Naga King Chilli and also registered as the proprietor of the chilli with the Government of India, according to the Geographical Indication Registry recently.** We only know of 2 companies that stock the original seeds of Naga King Chilli direct from Nagaland.**In Nagaland it is grown in districts of Kohima, Mon and Peren. Traditionally chilli is being grown for green fruits during summer months in the upland jhum paddy fields. Its fruits form an essential ingredient of the Naga kitchen cuisine. The plant grows at the height of 120 cm bearing up to 150 fruits. The flowers are white, 2-3 at a node, and fruits are blood red in colour, conical measures about two inches in length and a half-inch width. Heat Value 1,041,427 Scoville Heat Unit. The people of Nagaland have been eating it for decades. Due to its extra-ordinary pungency level and irritating properties it has also been used as lachrymatory agent (a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even temporary blindness). Nagas are known to have used this chilli as a biological weapon in ancient warfare to get rid of enemies and also used it to smoke out foxes and rodents in their fields.
Naga King Chilli HeatThe heat of chillies is due to the presence of a group of seven closely related compounds called capsainoids, but capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) and dihydrocapsaicin are responsible for approximately 90% of the pungency. The Naga Morich has a high percent of these two compounds.Currently original Naga King Chilli seeds are scarce, and Naga seeds with proven provenance are even scarcer still. Our Naga King Chilli seeds come from certificated germination and heat tested stock. (Capsicum chinense Jacq)
NagalahAn unexpected cross of the CPI Bhut Jolokia and the Douglah from Trinidad. As you can see from the photo it has the grizzled, tortured aspect of a Bhut grown under torturous conditions which indeed it has been.The plants have been yielding more than 5kg over the course of the summer which is quite impressive. Flower retention is very high as it is in the CPI Bhut and the Douglah so it makes sense really.I'm not sure how stable as it is the first season but its bound to be very interesting however it turns out.A potential contender for the crown? Heat Level (nuclear) The Trinidad Scorpion Moruga chilli originates from the island's of Trinidad and Tobago. It was announced on February 6, 2012 at the Chile Pepper Institute Leaders dinner to have tested at a high of 2,009,231 Scoville Units. A new world record! The average heat of all testing combined for the Moruga Scorpion gave an average of 1,207,764 Scoville Units. Saying this you could get pods with a heat level over 2,000,000. The SCORPION MORUGA Was named after the district of Moruga which lies on the south coast of Trinidad on the coast of Columbus Channel. The surface of it's outer skin is rough and pebbly like the Trinidad 7 Pot varieties. Average size of the pods is roughly the size of a golf ball. (Capsicum chinense) Heat Level (nuclear) The Trinidad Scorpion Moruga chilli originates from the island's of Trinidad and Tobago. It was announced on February 6, 2012 at the Chile Pepper Institute Leaders dinner to have tested at a high of 2,009,231 Scoville Units. A new world record! The average heat of all testing combined for the Moruga Scorpion gave an average of 1,207,764 Scoville Units. Saying this you could get pods with a heat level over 2,000,000. The SCORPION MORUGA Was named after the district of Moruga which lies on the south coast of Trinidad on the coast of Columbus Channel. The surface of it's outer skin is rough and pebbly like the Trinidad 7 Pot varieties. Average size of the pods is roughly the size of a golf ball. (Capsicum chinense) The 7 Pod (sometimes called 7 Pot, as in 1 pod will spice seven pots of stew.) is a Chinense variety from Trinidad. This variety is matched for heat by just a small number of other Chinense varieties, namely the Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia, the Dorset Naga/Naga Morich, and the Trinidad Scorpion (see above). The texture of the peppers is very different to your average capsicum. Rather than the smooth, shiny surface of most peppers, the 7 pod has an almost paper-y texture and pods start lime green rather than the usual dark green. Seeds have been grown in Trinidad and not isolated so some cross pollination is possible and pure strain 7 pod cannot be guaranteed. Having said that, a 7 pod cross would be an even rarer hot pepper so don't let that put you off trying this great variety. (Capsicum chinense) Red 7 Pod / 7 Pot Chilli Seeds
The 7 Pod (sometimes called 7 Pot, as in 1 pod will spice seven pots of stew.) is a Chinense variety from Trinidad. This variety is matched for heat by just a small number of other Chinense varieties, namely the Naga Viper, Trinidad Scorpion Butch, Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia, the Dorset Naga/Naga Morich, and the Trinidad Scorpion (see above). The texture of the peppers is very different to your average capsicum. Rather than the smooth, shiny surface of most peppers, the 7 pod has an almost paper-y texture and pods start lime green rather than the usual dark green.(Capsicum chinense) Heat Level 8The Datil chilli is cultivated in St. Augustine, Florida this pepper carries a lot of mythology of where it came from. ‘Datil' is unique in that it is extremely hot but also very sweet, very hot. (Capsicum chinense) Heat Level 5Fantastic looking dwarf chilli plant great for pots around the patio, easy to grow. Medium heat, just right to pop in a salad or on the barbeque (Capsicum annum)
Heat Level 5Fantastic looking chilli plant great for pots around the patio, easy to grow. Medium heat, just right to pop in salad or on the barbeque. Also great stuffed with cream cheese. (Capsicum annum)
Orange GlobeHeat Level 5Fantastic looking chilli plant great for pots around the patio, easy to grow. Medium heat, just right to pop in salad or on the barbeque (Capsicum annum)
Lemon GlobeHeat Level 5Fantastic looking chilli plant great for pots around the patio, easy to grow. Medium heat, just right to pop in salad or on the barbeque (Capsicum annum)
Red FlameHeat Level 5Fantastic looking chilli plant great for pots around the patio, easy to grow. Medium heat, just right to pop in salad or on the barbeque. Also great stuffed with cream cheese. (Capsicum annum)
Little Red Fire
Heat Level 8Fantastic looking dwarf chilli plant great for pots around the patio, easy to grow. Medium heat, just right to pop in salad or on the barbeque (Capsicum annum)
Little OrangeHeat Level 5Fantastic looking dwarf chilli plant great for pots around the patio, easy to grow. Medium heat, just right to pop in salad or on the barbeque. Green turning bright orange. (Capsicum annum)
Omni Colour
Small, upright, very hot pods. Multicolour![]()
Christmas Bell: Uba TubaUba Tuba or Christmas Bell, Originally from Brazil, this variety produces one of the most unusual pod shapes of any chilli pepper. Often used for pickling, hot or with salads. (Capsicum baccatum)Facing Heaven Chilli (chao tian jiao)
Heat Level 5-6The names comes the fact that its pods grow upwards facing heaven. These come from Sichuan in China and are the perfect chilli for Szechuan cookery, and have a citrus flavour and medium heat. They are full of the flavour you would get from Sichuan peppercorns. They have a rich red colour and pointed cone shape like a witch’s hat.Cayambe
Heat Level 6A new dual purpose (great for eating and looks great) variety producing light green upright setting conical shaped fruits ripening to red. Slightly shorter branched than Super chilli and can be grown without a support.![]()
Krakatoa F1 Chilli Seeds
Heat Level 7Compact Tabasco type fruits on a compact plant. Fruits ripen green with a purple tinge to fully red at Maturity. Fruits can be used fresh or dried and ground for seasoning. This is a great chilli for the kitchen window sill for plucking one off when needed. Very hot at maturity!Curry Chilli
Heat Level 6Developed as the ultimate `Curry Chilli'; A Cayenne type' Fruits are long, thin and puckered in appearance and can be harvested green, red or dried for chilli flakes. This variety was specifically bred for the Indian market. This has a great flavour green or red and a good all round heat.Cherry Bomb F1
Heat Level 6An early productive hot cherry variety produced on small strong plants. The fruits are thick walled and approx. 7cm in diameter and ripen green to bright red. Great for around the barbeque eating fresh, roasted of in salsas.Sweet Pepper Diablo
High yielding Ox-horn variety, producing long pointed fruits that typically mature at around 16cm in length. The skin is smooth, while the flesh is thick, crunchy and sweet, great for stuffing with cheese and using to give depth of flavour to soups and stews. Plant has erect habit with medium spacing to internodes. This variety won an RHS Award of Garden Merit in 2005. Matures from green to intense red. Hot, hot, hot chilli, fantastic flavour and great heat level. This is good eaten fresh in salad or used in a chili. The pods are long, 2 to 3 inches by 1 to 1.5 inches wide. Turns from green to bright yellow. This chilli is outrageously hot!Capsicum chinenseChiltepin
Heat Level 10+++
The Chiltepin/Tepin can be over wintered and re grown the following season. Referred to as the "mother of all hot peppers" some say the chiltepin is even hotter than the Habanero. These tiny chillis can be dried and crumbled on top of food or added to soups, stews, salsas, chorizo or any dish where some heat and flavour is appropriate. Chiltepin are hard to find and hand harvested. Chiltepins are one of the few crops in the world which are harvested in the wild rather than cultivated. The Tarahumara Indians of the Sonoran Desert in Mexico believe that chiltepins were the greatest protection against the evils of sorcery. (Capsicum annuum) Heat Level 10++
This is a fantastic looking plant full of some of the tastiest fruits around. It is a Habanero from the Caribbean, Fruits are globular elongated shape, wrinkled, with pointed end. Very pungent and full of flavour. Average length: 4 to 5 cm long, 3 to 4 cm diameter. Average weight: 7g. Fruit colour changes from light green to a striking yellow at full maturity. Pendant fruits. Plant is 55 to 65 cm high, light green foliage. A traditional Italian variety that produces a high yield of small, round fruits, on medium height, well branched plants. When immature the fruits are dark green but the red colour intensifies with maturity. Although it has a sweet flavour, the hotness of the pepper increases the more it is exposed to the sun. Traditionally eaten fresh or stored in olive oil, often stuffed with anchovies.Red Savina Chilli Seeds
Red Savina tested and certified at over 577,000 Scoville heat units, twice as hot as regular Habanero. The Red Savina was the worlds hottest chilli. It has a fantastic flavour and is great eaten fresh or used in cooking. (Capsicum chinense) Heat Level 5A new F1 from Italy has long tapering 15cm long pods, it is a compact plant great for pots. Used in the kitchen for all types of cooking and great added fresh to salads.A large fruited cayenne, ripens green to bright red. Grows well in cool conditions. One of the highest yielding varieties in commercial trials. Medium pungency.
Assam Bhut Jolokia
The smallest amount of these peppers can flavour a sauce so intensely it’s barely edible. Taking a small bite will cause watering eyes and a runny nose.Frontal Agritech in Assam, India had their locally grown Bih Jolokia chillies HPLC-tested and reported a value of 1,041,427 Scoville Heat Units, giving two independent hot results for the Jolokia with no significant variation between them. (Capsicum chinense Jacq) Seed Origin Frontal Agritech, Assam India
Heat Level 8A Habanero with a unique colour and flavour, great for growing in pots. Use where an intense heat is required. measuring 3.5-6cm long and 2.5-5cm wide. Matures from green to lemon yellow.
Chocolate Habanero450,000 ++++ Scoville Heat Units (SHU)
Heat Level 10++++
Studies by New Mexico State University says this hot chilli is one of the hottest peppers in the world. It derives its hot name from its brownish colour. 1.5 to 2.5 inches long by 1.5 to 2 inches wide. Matures from green to chocolate brown. (Capsicum Chinense) 300,000 SHU. Heat Level 10++
Small bushy chilli plants produce very high yields of fiery hot chilli peppers of a lantern shape with a creamy/white coloured skin. High yields of very hot very rare; 1.25 to 1.5 inches long by 0.50 to 1 inches wide; matures from greenish white to cream; pendant pods; from Yucatan, A Caribbean variety, a favourite for its smoky taste and extreme heat. (Capsicum Chinense)
CLICK HERE FOR MORE haha banyak bukan.........mood : tak sabar nak tunggu abang posmen hantar brg yg d pos..selamat bekerja!!
hahahaha..ade jugak cili ungu?? musti pedas ni..
ReplyDeletehuhu tu la cik iena pn bru tau..
ReplyDeletedgr citer member cakap pedas(^_~)
Mcam mane nk beli ni..??
ReplyDeleteGood job!