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Showing posts with label 11street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 11street. Show all posts

Lansing dalam masa 14 hari : Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Kinohimitsu merupakan jenama yang tidak asing lagi di Jepun malahan ianya juga semakin dikenali ramai di Malaysia kerana ianya dikenali sebagai produk yang efektif untuk kesihatan dan kecantikan

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Kinohimitsu GC Lite  adalah 100% dari bahan semulajadi dan ianya telah diuji serta disahkan oleh SGS bebas hormon, steroid dan bahan kimia. Ianya juga tidak mengandungi bahan-bahan berasal dari haiwan dimana ianya juga sesuai untuk anda yang vegetarian.

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Untuk pengetahuan produk ini sesuai diamalkan seawal usia 15 tahun. Ianya tidak mengandungi gula tambahan, julap, bahan pengawet , pewarna dan perasa tiruan. Satu kotak Kinohimitsu GC Lite mengandungi 30 sachet untuk penggunaan 1 bulan.

Kebaikan Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Menyekat selera makan
Blok pembentukan lemak
Meningkatkan kadar metabolisma dalam badan
Melegakan sembelit

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Kinohimitsu GC Lite Menyekat Faktor Penyebab Lemak

Ia dikatakan mampu menyekat atau menghalang faktor penyebab lemak kerana mengandungi  Garcinia Cambogia dan bahan-bahan yang dikaji secara saintifik yang mampu menghalang pembentukan lemak.

Kandungat Utama Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Kinohimitsu GC Lite


Kandungan ekstrak teh bunga, ekstrak protein kentang dan serat oat mengurangkan rasa lapar dengan meningkatkan isyarat yang memberitahu otak "saya sudah kenyang" oleh itu pengambilan kalori akan berkurang.

Garcinia Cambogia

Menghalang penukaran karbohidrat kepada lemak

Green Coffee Extract

Kaya dengan asid klorogenik yang membantu menghalang penyerapan lemak dan meningkatkan kapasiti pembakaran lemak.

Bifidobacterium Longum (probiotic)

Probiotik yang meningkatkan kesihatan flora usus dan menggalakkan pergerakan usus yang lancar

Tampil lansing dalam masa 14 hari

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Bagaimana Kinohimitsu GC Lite Bekerja

Block, burn, Curb, & Cleanse  atau Menghalang, Membakar, Menahan & membersih

1. Block/ Menghalang
Mengurangkan lemak dan karbohidrat daripada diserap oleh badan

2. Burn / Membakar
Membakar lemak yang tersimpan dan menukarkannya kepada  tenaga

3. Curb/ Menahan
Kandungan Serat Tinggi membantu meningkatkan perasaan kenyang

4. Cleanse / Membersih
Menggalakkan pergerakan usus untuk mengelakkan pengumpulan sisa  toksin dalam usus besar yang menyumbang kepada peningkatan berat badan.

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Cara Penggunaan Kinohimitsu GC Lite Semudah 1, 2, 3

Ambil 1 paket sehari, 30 minit sebelum makan.
Makan secara langsung atau campurkan dengan 200ml air

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Harga Kinohimitsu GC Lite

1 Kotak RM 159 untuk penggunaan sebulan (30 sachet)
Sekarang tengah ada promosi di 11street diamana harganya RM139 .
Untuk pengetahuan harga promosi mungkin akan berubah . Jadi cepat-cepat beli tau :)

Review Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Untuk pengetahuan Cik iena baru beberapa hari sahaja mengambil Kinohimitsu GC Lite, Memandangkan Cik iena nak buat giveaway di Fanpage jadi Cik iena decide publish artikel mengenai info Kinohimitsu GC Lite terlebih dahulu. Kemudian apabila cik iena selesai habiskan sekotak cik iena akan update kesannya.

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Jadi disini cik iena review terlebih dahulu dari segi rasa dan kesan perubahan selepas makan dalam masa seharian. Walaupun ianya tidak mempunyai perasa dan pewarna tiruan ianya sedap untuk diminum. Cik iena suka akan rasa Kinohimitsu GC Lite. Selain daripada rasa yang sedap  Ianya juga amat mudah untuk dibancuh . Anda juga boleh terum kemam kandungan sachet ini tanpa membancuh dengan air.

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Untuk kesan selepas makan Kinohimitsu GC Lite ,  badan cik iena akan membuang angin, terasa lega bila angin dalam badan keluar. Dari segi pembuangan air besar masih tahap normal. Kebanyakan ubat untuk menurunkan berat badan akan membuat kita kerap ke toilet. Berbeza dengan Kinohimitsu GC Lite ianya tidak membuat kita kerap membuang air besar walaubagaimanapun ia mengandungi Bifidobacterium Longum, ia merupakan Probiotik yang meningkatkan kesihatan flora usus dan menggalakkan pergerakan usus yang lancar

Pengambilan Kinohimitsu GC Lite ini di bulan puasa ini sememangnya sangat membantu dari segi menahan rasa lapar. Kandungan ekstrak teh bunga, ekstrak protein kentang dan serat oat membuatkan perut berasa kenyang. Jadi cik iena akan makan dalam kuantiti yang sedikit daripada kebiasaan.

Kinohimitsu GC Lite

Walaubagaimanapun harus diingati kesan kepada setiap individu adalah berbeza. Pada anda yang ingin mengurangkan berat badan boleh cuba . Jika ianya berkesan membantu mengurangkan berat anda maka anda boleh teruskan pengambilan sehinga mendapat berat yang di inginkan :)

Lattest Update

Yeayy nah belanja selfie dgn kinohimitsu ajaib yg buat iena kurus semula.. Masa duedate post artikel tu tak kuruih lagi sebab bru mkn kan kan.. Haaa bila beli baju raya baru perasan wakkk.. Nanti la iena update artikel haha.. Kalau thn lepas pakai baju raya baju size 38, lebih kurang size M la.. Tahun ni masa fitting baju raya terkezut pakai 36 longgar. Pakai 34 baru ok wakkk.. Eeeeeee bestnya da kuruih.. Hahaha mohon jaga makan lepas ni tau iena.. Takkan la nk org sponsor tiap bulan.. Tu kene jadi duta la hahahha.. . Haaa pada yg menang contest iena ritu.. uols boleh kurus la lepas raya nty.. Hadiah ditaja oleh @11streetmy @kinohimitsumy . Ada yg iena pos dan by hand time raya nanti sebab pos laju skrg problem.. Mana blh by hand iena bg by hand.. Raya kedua Insya Allah iena ke perak.. Iena bg kt winner okay😁😁😁 . . Kalau korang nak tau Kinohimitsu merupakan jenama yang tidak asing lagi di Jepun malahan ianya juga semakin dikenali ramai di Malaysia kerana ianya dikenali sebagai produk yang efektif untuk kesihatan dan kecantikan. . Kinohimitsu GC Lite bekerja dalam tubuh badan dengan cara Block, burn, Curb, & Cleanse atau Menghalang, Membakar, Menahan & membersih. . Istimewanya Kinohimitsu GC Lite ini lagi adalah ia mengandungi Kandungan ekstrak teh bunga, ekstrak protein kentang dan serat oat mengurangkan rasa lapar dengan meningkatkan isyarat yang memberitahu otak "saya sudah kenyang" oleh itu pengambilan kalori akan berkurang. Kalau cerita banyak dah jadi artikel, so untuk tau lebih lanjut jemput baca Harganya Biasa 1 kotak Kinohimitsu GC Lite adalah RM159 untuk penggunaan 1 bulan. Harga Promosi RM139 Pembelian Online di : . . . #ienaeliena #blogger #bloggermy #bloggermalaysia #malaysianblogger #11streetmy #kinohimitsumy #kinohimitsuGClite #ubatkurus #supplementkurus #weightloss #weightlossproduct
A post shared by Malaysian Blogger💄👠👗👜🍴🍹 (@ienaeliena) on


Hai semua, cik iena nak buat giveaway lagi, Nak bagi 3 box Kinohimitsu GC Lite yang ditaja oleh 11Street ❤❤ Caranya...
Posted by on Thursday, May 24, 2018

Untuk pembelian secara online anda boleh membuat pembelian di

Firefly RM100 Cash Voucher di 11street

Berita gembira buat  pelanggan setia Firefly khususnya kini anda boleh dapatkan Firefly RM100 Cash Voucher di 11street . Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk penjimataan ini. Sedikit sebanyak anda dapat mengurangkan sedikit kos perbelanjaan penerbangan anda.

Firefly RM100 Cash Voucher di 11street

Firefly Airlines Bekerjasama dengan 11street untuk berhubung dengan pelanggan

Pada 4 April 2017 bertempat di Subang, Firefly yang merupakan Sebuah Syarikat Penerbangan Malaysia telah menandatangani perjanjian untuk menjadi rakan niaga dengan 11street yang merupakan portal membeli-belah dalam talian terbaru Malaysia.

Promosi selama 2 bulan yang bermula 4 April 2017, akan memberi pelanggan menikmati baucar RM100 dengan diskaun 17% apabila membeli melalui laman web 11street di Kod baucar yang diterima boleh digunakan untuk membeli tiket penerbangan melalui

Firefly RM100 Cash Voucher di 11street

Dengan menyertai pelbagai kumpulan rakan-rakan perniagaan ini, Firefly akan dapat memanfaatkan pelanggan dalam talian dengan lebih luas, dan pada masa yang sama dapat memberi ganjaran kepada pelanggan setia yang terus menyokong Airlines tersebut. Satu perkongsian selama setahun ini akan dapat melihat lebih banyak aktiviti promosi dan merancang untuk menyediakan nilai kepada penumpang Firefly.

"Kami terujauntuk bekerja bersama-sama dengan 11street, terutamanya pada masa sambutan ulang tahun ke-10 kelahiran syarikat penerbangan kami yang menyediakan perkhidmatan penerbangan ke seluruh bagi menggembirakan dan memudahkan pelanggan dengan tawaran yang terbaik",  kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Firefly, Ignatius Ong.

Naib Presiden Merchandising untuk 11street, Bruce Lim berkata:

"Perkongsian itu merupakan satu lagi pencapaian penting bagi 11street, kerana Firefly merupakansebuah syarikat penerbangan pertama yang membentuk satu pakatan strategik ini dengan 11street. Bersama-sama dengan itu 11street menawarkan tawaran hebat yag menarik kepada pengguna bagi memenuhi permintaan rakyat Malaysia untuk membuat perjalanan udara yang lebih murah.

Tambahan lagi dengan bakalnya tiba musim perayaan tidak lama lagi, kerjasama dengan Firefly tidak terputus disini ianya akan diteruskan pada masa yang akan datang dengan promosi yang lebih menarik "

Log masuk ke hari ini untuk menikmati pengalaman penjimatan ini. Pelanggan juga boleh mencari link produk untuk baucar sini:

iena eliena

iena eliena
Instagram : @ienaeliena
Twitter : @ienaeliena
Email :

Kepentingan Kelengkapan Keselamatan Kebakaran di Rumah

Menurut kenyataan , Datuk Wan Mohd Nor Ibrahim Selaku Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat baru-baru ini,

Kepentingan Kelengkapan Keselamatan Kebakaran di Rumah

"isi rumah di seluruh negara perlu dilengkapi dengan  sekurang-kurangnya alat pengesan asap di dapur dan kawasan yang mempunyai litar elektrik, dan alat pemadam api.
Langkah berjaga-jaga adalah sangat penting tetapi realitinya  sebilangan besar rumah di Malaysia tidak mempunyai keperluan yang paling asas untuk keselamatan kebakaran seperti asap pengesan penggera."

Menurut rekod pemantauan 11street terdapat peningkatan sebanyak 60% dalam penjualan pengesan asap pada 15 Februari yang lalu, berbanding dengan bulan yang sama pada tahun 2016 iaitu tahun lepas. Ini sebenarnya merupakan satu tanda positif  bahawa rakyat Malaysia telah mula mengambil langkah-langkah keselamatan terhadap insiden kebakaran di rumah. 

Bak pepatah melayu, 'Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengubati', jadi pengesanan awal boleh menjadi titik perubahan untuk melindungi anda dan orang yang anda sayangi dan lebih baik menyediakan anda dalam keadaan yang tidak diduga.

Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, Kita tidak akan dapat meramalkan kejadian perkara-perkara  yang tidak dijangka tetapi kita boleh mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga dengan menyediakan kelengkapan yang sepatutnya supaya apabila  berlaku kejadian kebakaran dan yang seumpamanya, anda boleh mula berfikir tentang bagaimana anda boleh melindungi orang yang anda suka dan rumah terhadap musibah.

Berikut merupakan senarai peralatan pencegahan kebakaran yang anda boleh dapati di 11street. Melabur untuk  membeli kelengkapan keselamatan kebakaran adalah kecil nilainya berbanding denngan besarnya nilai  keselamatan diri dan nyawa yang terancam jika berlakunya kebakaranterhadan anda dan orang yang anda sayangi.

  1. Smoke detector at RM16.50
  2. Portable fire extinguisher at RM149.90
  3. Fire Safety Package (1 Smoke Alarm Detector + 1 Fire Blanket) at RM63.00

Smoke detector at RM16.50

Smoke detector
Smoke detector

"Home Security Photoelectric Cordless Smoke Detector Fire Sensor Alarm smokehouse Alarm Detector


100% brand new and high quality
High sensitivity
Excellent stability
Low battery indicator
Alarm test button for easy testing
Alarm Indication: Red LED flash
Simple installation
This small gadget will alert and warn people to stay far away from danger field
 when it detects smoke(Smoke concentration in the air of 10%).
This product named Photoelectric detector (hereinafter called detector) detects
 the smoke by a couple of infrared diodes. The principle of detecting is granule in
The detector is suitable for detecting the smoke in the house, shop, hotel, restaurant,
 office building, school, bank, library, computer house, storehouse etc.

Smoke detector
Smoke detector


9V battery (Not Included)
Sound Level :> =85dB/m
Operating Temperature: -10°C ~ +40°C
Operating Humidity: 95%RH
Detecting Area: 20 square meter
Smoke Sensitivity: 2.36%/FT +/-1.251%/FT OBS
Size: 107*35mm
Color: White"

Smoke detector
Smoke detector

Portable fire extinguisher at RM149.90

Portable fire extinguisher
Portable fire extinguisher

Portable fire extinguisher
Portable fire extinguisher

= Portable EMR PFE Fire Eliminator  = 


Technology : USA

For you and your Love one !!
MUST HAVE in Kitchen / bedroom/ car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Effective to extinguish category A,B,C E+F Combustion 
- Safe , Convenience , easy to use 
- Human, Equipment, Environmental friendly 
- 5 Years Lifespan 
-  5 years 1 to 1 Manufacturing Warranty 
- No yearly Maintenance fee

>> ' Aerospace  Technology '<<  
Non Pressurized  (Non explosive), you can safely keep in your car.  
Portable fire extinguisher

Fire Safety Package (1 Smoke Alarm Detector + 1 Fire Blanket) at RM63.00

Fire Safety Package


Best to keep in store, shops, boats, vehicles, especially for home kitches to prevent spread of fires, protection of persons and property.
Especially useful when it involves flaming liquid fuels such as flaming pan, simply cover the fire with this fire blanket and watch the flames go off.
PVC box provides a neat look mounting it on walls.
This fire blanket is reusable after each use, provided it suffers no damage from previous usage, and may keep up to 10 years.


Fire blanket demo:
Effects of water on oil fire:
Contents: Fiber glass fire resistance cloth
Packaged dimensions: 25 x 16 x 3.5cm
Fire blanket dimensions: 1.2m x 1.2m
Thickness: 0.43mm
Temperature Limit: 550 ~ 600 degrees Celsius
Packaging: PVC box pack
Weight: 1kg

Fire Safety Package
Fire Safety Package

Untuk Maklmat Lanjut Layari 

iena eliena

iena eliena
Instagram : @ienaeliena
Twitter : @ienaeliena
Email :

New Year Gift From 11Street

Istimewa buat anda semua cik iena ingin kongsikan tentang New Year Gift dari 11Street . Anda hanya perlu menjawab beberapa soalan mudah dan kongsikan di facebook supaya rakan-rakan annda juga dapat turut serta memeriahkan kempen ini.
New Year Gift From 11Street
Kempen ini bagi mengkaji ini juga bagi mengkaji tentang minat para pelanggan 11Street supaya pada masa akan datang 11street dapat memperbanyakkan lagi promosi-promosi keatas barangan permintaan tinggi dari pelanggan.  Personality test ini juga akan memberi online shopping tips mengikut karektor personaliti anda.

Anda cuma perlu menjawab beberapa soalan mudah bagi mengenalpasti character personaliti anda. 

New Year Personality Test
Antara Personality anda yang mungkin adalah : 

The Beauty Queen
The Beauty Queen
You are beautiful and glamorous, with flawless skin and impeccable grooming. You are on the leading edge in the world of skincare, and nothing slips your skincare radar. From the latest news, technology and launch of skincare products and tools to make-up, you have got it all on your fingertips.
Online shopping tips
When it comes to online shopping for skincare or make-up items, expand your search. Online marketplaces are a good place to start, for you to find everything that you love under one roof.  Be sure to do your research, and diligently read all reviews to give you a good indication of price range and reliability of the seller.

The Beauty Queen

The Fitness Freak
The Fitness Freak
You speak dumbbells, pull-up bars, kettlebells, protein supplements in your day-to-day lingo. Working out is your me-time and your social media feeds have more six-packs than other postings. You are inspired by fitness trainers such as Steve Cook, Christian Guzman and Jeff Seid.

Online shopping tips
­Before you begin your exercise and diet regime, research and read reviews on what other fitness enthusiasts are using and what’s working for them. Do shop around for the right fitness product/equipment for you, and make sure you find the right price too! Make sure the equipment comes with good warranty and provides you with the option to extend the warranty – after all it’s something that you will be using heavily! 

The Fitness Freak

The Fashion Diva  You live and bre
The Fashion Diva
You live and breathe fashion. Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar (just to name a few) are your must-reads. You are also an avid follower of global fashion style icons, such as Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner and Chrissy Teigen, and follow their social pages religiously. You are not afraid to wear bold colours, and always let these colours describe your mood-of-the-day.

Online shopping tips
Before buying a clothing item, remember to always measure, measure, measure! Different countries have different sizing charts, so be sure to pay attention to what chart they are using. Next up is the material. Make sure you know the material type (if not, Google it!) so that you know if the clothing item is stretchable or not, and if it is, whether you should buy a size smaller. All these are important things to consider to ensure that every piece of clothes you buy online flatter the Fashion Diva in you. Last but not least, check if the seller offers free shipping for it makes a whole lot of difference to your budget, as well as their return policy. You don’t want to be stuck with a piece of clothing that you can’t fit, do you?

The Fashion Diva

The Food Hunter
The Food Hunter
Mexican, Chinese, Korean and a myriad of bizarre foods – you’ve had it all. #foodporn is your permanent social media tag. You basically live to eat. A good meal makes you smile; a bad meal infuriates you. Good service wins you two thumbs up while bad service leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Nothing gets between you and the food right in front of you.

Online shopping tips
Do not – we repeat, do not shop when you are hungry! ‘Hungry-shopping’ increases the tendency of impulse buying, as you would want to buy everything your eyes can see! When buying fresh produce or food online, always have a shopping list or a specific recipe in mind, so that you lessen the chances of picking up an ingredient that you might not use. Try to split your online grocery shopping to a weekly affair, unless you have a party and are cooking for 10 people! Oh, did we mention that frozen goods are a good stock-up investment too? Perfect for when it’s raining outside and all you want is a bowl of hot corn soup.

The Food Hunter

The Home Guru
The Home Guru
Your home is your haven. When it comes to picking up a piece of furniture or redecorating your house, you have the touch and the eye for it. Often, friends and guests go “Oooo” and “Ahhhhh” at their first visit to your home, and you secretly relish with a smile.

Online shopping tips
We can’t stress enough on making sure you only shop for items that come with a return policy. Also, do check that shipping costs are at a minimal (or even better, waived!) when it comes to purchasing furniture online. After all, you’re making a bulky purchase and shipping will surely cost. If you’re buying fabric, do check with the seller if they’re able to send you a picture of the sample – you don’t want to be stuck with curtains that don’t match your walls!

The Home Guru

The Tech Geek
The Tech Geek
The world may stereotype you, but you are actually fun in person and forever young at heart. You love all things tech – from the latest phone and tablet, to headphones, keyboard and mouse. In fact, your home probably houses the inventory for the latest tech products in town!

Online shopping tips
Tech products are available in abundance online, so do your homework and price comparisons. More often than not, e-marketplaces usually throw in a good bundle deal for most of the hot-selling gadgets. Keep an eye open for special deals, such as ‘Cyber Sale’, for you might just land yourself the coveted gadget you’ve been waiting for. We’re sure you’re on point when it comes to reading reviews, so just make sure it’s a reputable site that you are shopping on. 

The Tech Geek

Maaf cik iena tak sempat translate atas faktor kesibukan. Jika nak tunggu translate mungkin tak publish entry ni di sebabkan cik iena sangat sibuk.

Untuk pengetahuan pastinya Cik iena juga turut serta dalam kempen ini . Semoga Cik iena bertuah dapat hadiah dari 11Streat Yeayyy . Jom cik iena kongsikan bagaimana untuk sertai.

New Year Personality Test

New Year Personality Test

Hanya klik join Now dan jawab beberapa soalan mudah mengenai diri anda

New Year Personality Test

New Year Personality Test

Kemudian kongsikan di facebook dan tunggu berita gembira dari 11Street 

Mudah je kan

 Personaliti cik iena adalah Home-Guru . Jika di ikutak cik iena memang kerap membeli barangan rumah secara online termasuk barangan elektrik serta almari. Agaknye antara semua personaliti tersebut yang manakah anda  :)

Untuk Kategori Personality Home-Guru, hadianya 1x Deerma Bolt Vacuum Cleaner dan 1x Deerma Garment Steamer . Dua-duanya cik iena suka. Semoga cik iena bertuah yeayyyyyyy


Menangi Hadiah Menarik dari 11Street Dengan Menyertai New Year Personality Test



  • Fashion Diva

    1x Kate Spade Handbag
    1x Pandora Charm Set
  • Tech Geek

    1x Asus Eeebook
    1x WD Portable Hard Drive 1TB
  • Home-Guru

    1x Deerma Bolt Vacuum Cleaner
    1x Deerma Garment Steamer
  • Beauty Queen

    1x Panasonic EH-SC50 Face Cleansing Device
    1x Laneige Collection Basic Duo Moisture Set
    1x Laneige Holiday BB Cushion
  • Fitness Freak

    1x Garmin Vivoactive Fitness Watch
    1x Jabra SPORT Plus x1
  • Food Hunter

    1x Dinner @ KL Tower Revolving Restaurant for 2 + Blue Coral Aquarium Access for 2
    1x Red Box & Green Box Karaoke Cash Voucher worth RM200


Terms & Conditions

Important Notice

  1. Contest Period: 1 December 2016 – 12 December 2016.
  2. Winners will be announced on 14 December 2016.

New Year Personality Check (“Contest”)


  1. This Contest is organised by Celcom Planet Sdn. Bhd. (“Organiser”) and is open to individuals newly or presently registered as members (“Members”) at (“11street”) who have fulfilled the eligibility criteria for the Contest as set out in Clause 2 of Part B below (“Eligibility Criteria”).
  2. The Contest will begin at 10:00 AM, 1 December 2016 and end at 11:59 PM, 12 December 2016 (“Contest Period”).
  3. To participate in this Contest and subject to the fulfilment of Eligibility Criteria, a Member will have to:
    • (a) go to the Contest page on 11street;
    • (b) complete the “New Year Personality Check” test; and
    • (c) click the “Share Button” on the Contest page to share the result of the “New Year Personality Check” test on the Member’s Facebook page. By doing so, the entry in the Contest will be automatically submitted via the Contest page on 11street.
  4. One entry per account and a winner shall only be entitled to one (1) prize.
  5. There will be six (6) winners who will be selected by the Organiser.
  6. The prizes are as specified in the Contest page depending on the category of entries (“Prizes”).


    • 1.1 The following Terms and Conditions (“Contest T&Cs”) and the Website Use Terms and Conditions (“11street T&Cs”) click here (collectively “Terms and Conditions”) together with the Privacy Policy click here shall be binding on all Members who participate in the Contest (“Entrant(s)”).
    • 1.2 The Contest will be held during the Contest Period as set out in Item 2 of Part A. The Organiser reserves the right at its sole and absolute discretion, to vary, postpone or re-schedule the dates of the Contest or extend the Contest Period, at any time and without any liability.
    • 1.3 The Organiser reserves the right at its sole and absolute discretion, to change, amend, delete or add to the Terms and Conditions and other applicable rules and regulations including the mechanism of the Contest as set out in Item 3 of Part A, at any time and without any liability.
    • 1.4 The Organiser may terminate or suspend the Contest at any time at its sole and absolute discretion in which case, the Organiser may elect not to award any Prizes. Such termination or suspension will not give rise to any claim by the Entrants. If the Contest is resumed by the Organiser, the Entrants shall abide by the Organiser’s decision regarding resumption of the Contest and disposition of the Prizes.
    • 2.1 Entrants must be individuals who:
      • 2.1.1 are aged 18 and above;
      • 2.1.2 possess a valid Malaysian National Registration Identity Cards (“NRIC”); and
      • 2.1.3 are registered as Members at 11street with one (1) valid email ID ONLY
    • (“Eligibility Criteria”).
    • 2.2 Person listed below are not eligible to participate in this Contest:
      • 2.2.1 11street registered sellers;
      • 2.2.2 commercial/corporate entities; and
      • 2.2.3 employees, officers, directors and/or shareholders of the Organiser and their immediate family members (i.e. spouse, children, parents and siblings).
    • 2.3 Entrants may be required to submit proof of their eligibility, including providing a copy of their NRIC, passport or other supporting documents/materials (“ID Document”) for the Organiser’s verification and validation purposes.
    • 3.1 By submitting a Contest entry, the Entrant shall be deemed to have read, understood, accepted and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
    • 3.2 Submission of a Contest entry does not guarantee the Entrant’s actual participation in the Contest. Proof of a submitted Contest entry does not constitute proof or evidence that the Organiser has received the Contest entry or that the Entrant has participated in the Contest.
    • 3.3 The Organiser shall be entitled to reject or refuse participation by the Entrant for any reason, including but not limited to non-fulfilment or non-adherence of any provisions in the Terms and Conditions by the Entrants.
    • 4.1 The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify Entrant(s) and/or revoke the Prize at any stage of the Contest if:-
      • 4.1.1 the Entrant(s) does not meet any of the Eligibility Criteria;
      • 4.1.2 the Entrant(s) breaches any of the Terms and Conditions or other rules and regulations of the Contest or has violated any applicable laws or regulations;
      • 4.1.3 in the Organiser’s sole determination, it believes that the Entrant(s) has attempted to undermine the operation of the Contest by fraud, cheating, deception or manipulation of the Contest mechanics;
      • 4.1.4 any of the Entrant’s member account details/particulars as registered at 11street do not accurately correspond with the Entrant’s ID Document; and/or
      • 4.1.5 the Entrant fails to submit the required ID Document within such timeframe as may be required by the Organiser.
    • 4.2 In the event of a disqualification after the Prize has been awarded, the Organiser reserves the right to demand for the return of the Prize or payment of its value from the ineligible Entrant(s).
    • 5.1 The Entrant represents and warrants with the Organiser that –
      • 5.1.1 the Entrant has met all the eligibility criteria and has the right, authority and power to enter into the Contest in accordance with Terms and Conditions as well as the Privacy Policy; and
      • 5.1.2 the Entrant shall, as soon as practicable, provide such proof as the Organiser requires, including but not limited to the ID Document.
    • 5.2 In consideration of the Organiser offering the Entrant the opportunity to participate in the Contest, the Entrant hereby unconditionally and irrevocably:
      • 5.2.1 confirms that the Entrant has read, understood and agrees to abide by Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy and shall cooperate and follow all directions given to the Entrant;
      • 5.2.2 agrees to the use of the Entrant’s name and/or likeness and to the use of any personal information/data submitted/available in the Contest and Organiser’s database (“Personal Data”), without compensation, for the Organiser’s promotional and marketing purposes. The Entrant further acknowledges that in respect of any Personal Data disclosed to the Organiser or obtained by the Organiser pursuant to this Contest, the Entrant has consented to or is authorised for the disclosure of such Personal Data under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”);
      • 5.2.3 agrees that if the Entrant has been selected as the Winner, the Entrant shall make himself available (without compensation), for the production, recording and publicity of the Contest during such time and production schedule as may be directed and notified by the Organiser, including but not limited to:-
        • (i) interview (which maybe recorded); and/or
        • (ii) taking of still photos, audio and/or visual recording for promotions and publicity use, (collectively “Recording”);
      • 5.2.4 agrees and consents that the Organiser shall have right to broadcast the Recording and/or use the names or nicknames for any of its promotional and marketing campaigns in whole or in part at the Organiser’s discretion. All copyrights subsisting in the Recording shall belong to the Organiser absolutely;
      • 5.2.5 agrees that all Prizes to be awarded in the Contest is contingent upon:
        • (i) the accuracy of the information provided and disclosures made by the Entrant of the Entrant’s particulars/details; and
        • (ii) the full and complete performance of the Entrant’s warranties, undertakings and obligations hereunder;
      • 5.2.6 agrees that the Entrant shall not by act or omission, directly or indirectly bring the Organiser into disrepute; and
      • 5.2.7 agrees that the Entrant shall not without the prior written consent from the Organiser publish or disclose any information in connection with the Contest or Prizes (including without limitation, to any representatives of media in any form whatsoever).
      • 6.1 The Organiser will select Entrants (“Selected Entrants”) who shall be identified as potential winners, subject to the Selected Entrants passing the final screening process, as determined by the Organiser. Selected Entrants will be notified via phone call and/or email, based on the information provided/available in the Contest/Organiser’s database.
      • 6.2 The Selected Entrants shall respond to the Organiser’s notification no later than three (3) days from the date of such notification, or such other period as may be directed by the Organiser, failing which, the Organiser reserves the rights to:
        • 6.2.1 eliminate the said Selected Entrant(s) from the selection process, without notice; and
        • 6.2.2 select other Entrants to be placed in the final screening process.

          For the avoidance of doubt, the Organiser has no obligation to make multiple attempts to contact the Selected Entrants, and shall have no liability to the said Selected Entrant(s) in any respect whatsoever.
      • Selected Entrants who successfully passed the final screening process shall be named as the winners of the Contest (“Winners”).
      • 6.4 The Organiser’s decisions on all matters relating to the Contest (including without limitation, the selection of Selected Entrants, mechanics of the Contest and/or any decisions made) shall be final, absolute and binding on the Entrants. No discussion, correspondence, enquiry, appeal or challenge in respect of any decision of the Organiser will be entertained.
      • 6.5 The Entrants shall neither dispute nor make any oral or written complaints, public announcements or statements on the same whether during or after the Contest Period.
    • PRIZES
      • 7.1 The Prizes for the Contest shall be as set out in Item 6 of Part A. The Organiser may choose to appoint third party agents/service providers to provide the Prizes on behalf of the Organiser.
      • 7.2 The Winners’ names will be notified or announced using such mode and in such manner as the Organiser deems fit.
      • 7.3 All Prizes must be collected within the collection period and at such collection venue, as may be determined and notified by the Organiser, or its appointed agent. Failure to claim the Prizes shall result in the Prizes being forfeited by the Organiser, without notice, and the Organiser shall have no liability to the Winners in any respect whatsoever.
      • 7.4 The Winners shall not be entitled to redeem or substitute the Prizes for cash or other alternatives.
      • 7.5 The Organiser does not guarantee the availability of the Prizes and the Organiser shall be entitled to replace and/or substitute such Prize(s) with any other prize(s) of comparable value as determined by the Organiser, at its sole discretion.
      • 7.6 All Prizes are not transferable, assignable, exchangeable or redeemable by the Entrants in any other form or manner except as specified or permitted by the Organiser. All specific or special terms and conditions that are attached to the Prizes whether by the Organiser, its appointed agents and/or service providers, and manufacturers (if applicable) must be adhered to by the Winners.
      • 7.7 Prizes must be claimed in person unless the Organiser prescribes another mode of collection. If the Organiser elects to post a Prize to a Winner, no responsibility will be accepted by the Organiser for the safe and effective postal delivery of the Prize.
      • 7.8 In special situations, and subject to the absolute discretion of the Organiser, a Winner may nominate a designated representative to collect and/or receive a Prize on his/her behalf. The representative will be required to present written authorisation from the Winner and appropriate ID Document as determined by the Organiser.
      • 7.9 The Winners are solely responsible for any and all taxes payable as a result of a Prize being awarded or received (if applicable).
      • 7.10 In the event that a Winner chooses not to accept a Prize, the Prize shall be forfeited and will be dealt with according to the absolute discretion of the Organiser.
      • 7.11 All Prizes are accepted entirely at the risk of the Winners and are awarded by the Organiser “as-is” without any warranty of any kind, express or implied. The Winners shall execute a deed of release and indemnity in a form prescribed by the Organiser, if so required, in order to receive the Prizes.
      • Travel Prizes
      • 7.12 Where applicable, the followings terms shall apply to Prizes comprising of travel/holiday packages (“Travel Prizes”):-
        • 7.12.1 Travel Prizes must be collected on the date(s) and at the destination(s) specified by the Organiser or its appointed travel agencies, failing which, it shall be forfeited without notice. No cash alternative or alternative destination will be offered by the Organiser or its appointed travel agencies.
        • 7.12.2 Travel Prizes shall be subject to additional terms and conditions as may be attached to it including but not limited to the following:-
          • (i) the terms and conditions of respective airlines/carrier;
          • (ii) the terms and limitations of any insurance policy; and
          • (iii) any other terms and conditions including all health and safety guidelines and instructions and all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
        • 7.12.3 Winner(s) must hold a passport and that passport shall remain valid for at least the minimum period as imposed by the relevant authority. It shall be the responsibility of Winners to obtain the necessary visa and other travel documents at their own cost and expense. No compensation whatsoever will be given should the Winners fail to obtain such documents, regardless of the circumstances.
        • 7.12.4 Passport control and in-country authorities reserve the right to refuse entry. If the Winner(s) of a Travel Prizes is refused passage, entry or exit to or from the country being visited, the Organiser will not be responsible in any way to compensate the Winner for such refusal of passage, entry or exit, and any additional costs incurred shall be at the sole cost and responsibility of the Winner.
        • 7.12.5 In the event of unforeseen circumstances or circumstances outside the reasonable control of the Organiser and/or the appointed travel agencies, the Organiser and/or the appointed travel agencies reserves the right to offer an alternative destination of approximately similar value. No cash alternative will be offered.
        • 7.12.6 Any flights, airport details, accommodation and other aspects of the Travel Prizes, dates and times quoted by the Organiser, its appointed travel agencies or representatives are for guidance only and are subject to change without notice with no liability arising.
        • 7.12.7 Unless otherwise specified, the class of travel for all Travel Prizes incorporating an airfare is economy class.
        • 7.12.8 Winners of Travel Prizes shall ensure that they have sufficient financial resources to meet any financial commitment which they may incur in connection therewith (including, without limitation, transfers to and from any airport specified in the travel prize, meals and drinks, room services, laundry, excess baggage, personal, medical and/or baggage insurance, all items of personal nature, custom tax and airport tax) beyond those included in the Travel Prizes itself.
      • Ticket Prizes or other give-aways
      • 7.13 If the Prizes awarded by the Organiser are in the form of free tickets or other forms of give-aways, Winners shall adhere to and comply with the relevant terms and conditions attached to it including but not limited to the event promoter’s terms and conditions, terms and conditions set out on the ticket and the rules and regulations of the venue thereof.
    • COSTS
      • 8.1 All costs incurred by the Entrants in relation to the Contest including without limitation Internet Service Provider (ISP) charges, transport costs, communication charges, accommodation, meal costs and other related costs incurred by the Entrants as a result of and/or pursuant to his/her participation in the Contest (and also Prize collection in the case of Winners), shall be solely borne by the Entrants.
      • 8.2 The Organiser shall not be under any obligation to reimburse the Entrants for any portion of such costs and expenses incurred thereof.
      • 9.1 The Organiser shall not be responsible for any computer system, phone line, technical, hardware, software, or program failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, incomplete and/or garbled or delayed computer transmission or failure or instability of network connections that may occur in the course of the Entrants submitting the Contest Entry.
      • 9.2 All Prizes collected shall be used/taken entirely at the risk of the Winners at all times and to the extent permitted by law, the Organiser shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever including but not limited to any indirect or consequential loss or damages, or for personal injury which is suffered or sustained as a result of Prize collection and/or fulfilment. The Organiser further excludes all warranties and liabilities in connection with the Prizes to the fullest extent permitted by law including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purposes.
      • 9.3 In no event shall the Organiser be liable to the Entrants or to anyone else for any loss or injury or any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever, whether in contract, negligence or in tort, arising out of or in connection with the Contest, the Prizes and the Entrant’s participation in the Contest including any cancellation or postponement of the Contest.
      • 10.1 The Contest shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia. It shall be the Participant’s responsibility and obligation to ensure compliance with all laws that are applicable and relevant to the Contest, the Prizes and the Entrant’s participation in the Contest.
      • 10.2 The Organiser, its appointed agents/service providers and representatives shall not be liable to perform any of their obligations in respect of the Contest and the Terms and Conditions, rules and regulations in respect of the Contest where they are unable to do so as a result of circumstances beyond their control and shall not be liable to compensate the Entrants in any manner whatsoever in such circumstances.
      • 10.3 The Organiser shall be entitled to assign or sub-license the whole or any part of its rights hereunder to any third party as may be determined by the Organiser.
      • 10.4 The Organiser’s failure to enforce any of the Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.
      • 10.5 If any of the Terms and Conditions shall be found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such Terms and Conditions shall not affect the other provisions and all provisions not affected shall remain in full force and effect.
      • 10.6 The Entrant’s Personal Data is subject to such safeguards concerning privacy and security of data as provided under the PDPA and the Organiser’s Privacy Policy. The Personal Data supplied by the Entrant will be used by the Organiser for the administration of this Contest and other relevant purposes including to provide the Entrant further information about similar campaigns in the future and for the Organiser’s promotional and marketing purposes, which the Entrant may opt out of by following the instructions contained in the communication channel or informing the Organiser of the same.

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