Terima Kasih HTC Malaysia bagi hadiah HTC One M 9 Plus yang awesome ni.
Cik iena ambil gambar guna phone HTC One M 9 Plus je.

Thanks singgah blog cik iena yer
next time dtg singgah lg yer(^_~)
email : iena@ienaeliena.com
Hajat di hati nak tengok fajar menyinsing tapi terlewat bangun. Sekitar jam 6.40 sampai di tepi pantai.Hari pun dah terang. Cik iena and adik ambil peluang untuk mandi laut di awal pagi. Cuaca yang redup takde lah sun burn nanti. Skin cik iena memang cepat sun burn T____T
Cerita dan gambar akan dikemaskini selepas pulang bercuti :)
Iena Eliena’s Blog focuses on iena eliena life style as a part time blogger .
Love to share all about her self . About her favourite foods, favourite place , about her blogging activity that she's involved in almost 12 years and also about her vacation in the country or abroad . Love to captured her selfie and share to Instagram to attract more follower.
Kindly email me for any event invitation / product review / any collaboration with your brand. You can reach me at