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Thanks singgah blog cik iena yer
next time dtg singgah lg yer(^_~)
yeahh today my first day keje kt tmpt bru..hihi sblm tdo gatal tgn nk post kt blog..thanks to mr.Eric blanje mekdi yups..
all my new officemate very friendly..they r programmer like me but dh tentu dorang lg tererr programming dr cik iena..
im the only malay girl..yeahhh who say perempuan cannot b programmer....finaly ade gak geng perempuan yg bekerja as programmer...sblm ni im the only girl...
new cabaran kowt kali ni sb kene pakse diri speak english ...sblm ni keje company mlayu..ckp org kite je laa...laa ni keje dgn company chinese so must speak english ...tambahan lg ade programmer from germany keje kt sini...
woot woot cuci mate kejap...haha kiut meyhhh
berhihrah ke tmpt bru bnyk bnda bru nk kne blaja..so cik iena kne work hard la tuk study all new thing...
Haha first day keje dh dmam...
Cik iena alah pd habuk...
G solat kt surau...kebetulan terambil sejadah yg jarang org gune...so berhabuk la kn...
Jeng jeng jeng
Akibatnye bersin2 + selesema + demam...
Dh mkn ubat dh blk keje td n sblm nk tdo ni..harap esk tak teruk la dmam nye...
Okiessd nite sume....
To my self...
Chaiyok chaiyok !!!
Study hard!!!
Haha anggaplh cm smbg blaja ...
Iena Eliena’s Blog focuses on iena eliena life style as a part time blogger .
Love to share all about her self . About her favourite foods, favourite place , about her blogging activity that she's involved in almost 12 years and also about her vacation in the country or abroad . Love to captured her selfie and share to Instagram to attract more follower.
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